2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const colors = require('colors');
const randtoken = require('rand-token');
2018-02-04 22:04:32 +10:00
const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');
2018-02-06 04:20:30 +10:00
const common = require('../lib/common');
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
// insert a customer
router.post('/customer/create', (req, res) => {
const db = req.app.db;
let doc = {
email: req.body.email,
firstName: req.body.firstName,
lastName: req.body.lastName,
address1: req.body.address1,
address2: req.body.address2,
country: req.body.country,
state: req.body.state,
postcode: req.body.postcode,
phone: req.body.phone,
2018-02-04 22:04:32 +10:00
password: bcrypt.hashSync(req.body.password, 10),
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
created: new Date()
// check for existing customer
db.customers.findOne({email: req.body.email}, (err, customer) => {
err: 'A customer already exists with that email address'
// email is ok to be used.
db.customers.insertOne(doc, (err, newCustomer) => {
console.error(colors.red('Failed to insert customer: ' + err));
err: 'A customer already exists with that email address'
console.error(colors.red('Failed to insert customer: ' + err));
err: 'Customer creation failed.'
// Customer creation successful
req.session.customer = newCustomer.ops[0];
message: 'Successfully logged in',
customer: newCustomer
2018-02-05 23:20:44 +10:00
// render the customer view
2018-02-06 04:33:40 +10:00
router.get('/admin/customer/view/:id?', common.restrict, (req, res) => {
2018-02-05 23:20:44 +10:00
const db = req.app.db;
db.customers.findOne({_id: common.getId(req.params.id)}, (err, result) => {
res.render('customer', {
title: 'View customer',
result: result,
admin: true,
session: req.session,
message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'),
messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'),
2018-02-23 03:41:24 +10:00
config: req.app.config,
2018-02-05 23:20:44 +10:00
editor: true,
helpers: req.handlebars.helpers
// customers list
2018-02-06 04:33:40 +10:00
router.get('/admin/customers', common.restrict, (req, res) => {
2018-02-05 23:20:44 +10:00
const db = req.app.db;
db.customers.find({}).limit(20).sort({created: -1}).toArray((err, customers) => {
res.render('customers', {
title: 'Customers - List',
admin: true,
customers: customers,
session: req.session,
helpers: req.handlebars.helpers,
message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'),
messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'),
2018-02-23 03:41:24 +10:00
config: req.app.config
2018-02-05 23:20:44 +10:00
// Filtered customers list
2018-02-06 04:33:40 +10:00
router.get('/admin/customers/filter/:search', common.restrict, (req, res, next) => {
2018-02-05 23:20:44 +10:00
const db = req.app.db;
let searchTerm = req.params.search;
let customersIndex = req.app.customersIndex;
let lunrIdArray = [];
customersIndex.search(searchTerm).forEach((id) => {
// we search on the lunr indexes
db.customers.find({_id: {$in: lunrIdArray}}).sort({created: -1}).toArray((err, customers) => {
console.error(colors.red('Error searching', err));
res.render('customers', {
title: 'Customer results',
customers: customers,
admin: true,
2018-02-23 03:41:24 +10:00
config: req.app.config,
2018-02-05 23:20:44 +10:00
session: req.session,
searchTerm: searchTerm,
message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'),
messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'),
helpers: req.handlebars.helpers
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
// login the customer and check the password
2018-02-23 03:41:24 +10:00
router.post('/customer/login_action', async (req, res) => {
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
let db = req.app.db;
2018-02-04 22:04:32 +10:00
db.customers.findOne({email: req.body.loginEmail}, (err, customer) => { // eslint-disable-line
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
// An error accurred
return res.status(400).json({
2018-02-24 05:28:05 +10:00
message: 'Access denied. Check password and try again.'
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
// check if customer exists with that email
if(customer === undefined || customer === null){
return res.status(400).json({
2018-02-24 05:28:05 +10:00
message: 'A customer with that email does not exist.'
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
// we have a customer under that email so we compare the password
2018-02-04 22:04:32 +10:00
bcrypt.compare(req.body.loginPassword, customer.password)
.then((result) => {
// password is not correct
return res.status(400).json({
2018-02-24 05:28:05 +10:00
message: 'Access denied. Check password and try again.'
2018-02-04 22:04:32 +10:00
// Customer login successful
req.session.customer = customer;
return res.status(200).json({
message: 'Successfully logged in',
customer: customer
.catch((err) => {
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
return res.status(400).json({
2018-02-24 05:28:05 +10:00
message: 'Access denied. Check password and try again.'
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
// customer forgotten password
router.get('/customer/forgotten', (req, res) => {
res.render('forgotten', {
title: 'Forgotten',
route: 'customer',
forgotType: 'customer',
2018-02-23 03:41:24 +10:00
config: req.app.config,
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
helpers: req.handlebars.helpers,
message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'),
messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'),
showFooter: 'showFooter'
// forgotten password
router.post('/customer/forgotten_action', (req, res) => {
const db = req.app.db;
2018-02-23 03:41:24 +10:00
const config = req.app.config;
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
let passwordToken = randtoken.generate(30);
// find the user
db.customers.findOne({email: req.body.email}, (err, customer) => {
// if we have a customer, set a token, expiry and email it
let tokenExpiry = Date.now() + 3600000;
db.customers.update({email: req.body.email}, {$set: {resetToken: passwordToken, resetTokenExpiry: tokenExpiry}}, {multi: false}, (err, numReplaced) => {
// send forgotten password email
let mailOpts = {
to: req.body.email,
subject: 'Forgotten password request',
body: `You are receiving this because you (or someone else) have requested the reset of the password for your user account.\n\n
Please click on the following link, or paste this into your browser to complete the process:\n\n
If you did not request this, please ignore this email and your password will remain unchanged.\n`
// send the email with token to the user
// TODO: Should fix this to properly handle result
common.sendEmail(mailOpts.to, mailOpts.subject, mailOpts.body);
req.session.message = 'An email has been sent to ' + req.body.email + ' with further instructions';
req.session.message_type = 'success';
return res.redirect('/customer/forgotten');
req.session.message = 'Account does not exist';
// reset password form
router.get('/customer/reset/:token', (req, res) => {
const db = req.app.db;
// Find the customer using the token
db.customers.findOne({resetToken: req.params.token, resetTokenExpiry: {$gt: Date.now()}}, (err, customer) => {
req.session.message = 'Password reset token is invalid or has expired';
req.session.message_type = 'danger';
// show the password reset form
res.render('reset', {
title: 'Reset password',
token: req.params.token,
route: 'customer',
2018-02-23 03:41:24 +10:00
config: req.app.config,
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'),
message_type: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message_type'),
show_footer: 'show_footer',
helpers: req.handlebars.helpers
// reset password action
router.post('/customer/reset/:token', (req, res) => {
const db = req.app.db;
// get the customer
db.customers.findOne({resetToken: req.params.token, resetTokenExpiry: {$gt: Date.now()}}, (err, customer) => {
req.session.message = 'Password reset token is invalid or has expired';
req.session.message_type = 'danger';
return res.redirect('/forgot');
// update the password and remove the token
2018-02-04 22:04:32 +10:00
let newPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(req.body.password, 10);
2018-02-03 23:26:09 +10:00
db.customers.update({email: customer.email}, {$set: {password: newPassword, resetToken: undefined, resetTokenExpiry: undefined}}, {multi: false}, (err, numReplaced) => {
let mailOpts = {
to: customer.email,
subject: 'Password successfully reset',
body: 'This is a confirmation that the password for your account ' + customer.email + ' has just been changed successfully.\n'
// TODO: Should fix this to properly handle result
common.sendEmail(mailOpts.to, mailOpts.subject, mailOpts.body);
req.session.message = 'Password successfully updated';
req.session.message_type = 'success';
return res.redirect('/pay');
// logout the customer
router.post('/customer/logout', (req, res) => {
req.session.customer = null;
module.exports = router;