import{ serial as test }from'ava'; const { runBefore, g } = require('../helper'); test.before(async () => { await runBefore(); }); test('[Success] Get products JSON', async t => { const res = await g.request .get('?json=true') .expect(200); if(res.body.length < g.config.productsPerPage){, g.products.length); }else{, g.config.productsPerPage); } }); test('[Success] Search products', async t => { const res = await g.request .get('/category/backpack?json=true') .expect(200); // Should be two backpack products t.deepEqual(res.body.length, 2); }); test('[Success] Filter products', async t => { const res = await g.request .get('/admin/products/filter/backpack') .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(200); // Should be two backpack products t.deepEqual(res.body.length, 2); }); test('[Success] Edit a product', async t => { const res = await g.request .get(`/admin/product/edit/${g.products[0]._id}`) .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(200); // Products should match t.deepEqual(res.body._id.toString(), g.products[0]._id.toString()); t.deepEqual(res.body.productPermalink, g.products[0].productPermalink); }); test('[Fail] Edit an invalid product', async t => { const res = await g.request .get('/admin/product/edit/some_invalid_product') .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(400); // Check the returned message t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Product not found'); }); test('[Success] Add a product', async t => { const product = { productPermalink: 'test-jacket', productTitle: 'Test Jacket', productPrice: '100.00', productDescription: 'Test product description used to describe the product', productPublished: true, productTags: 'organic, jacket', productOptions: { Size: { optName: 'Size', optLabel: 'Select size', optType: 'select', optOptions: ['S', 'M', 'L', 'XL'] } }, productComment: false, productStock: 50 }; const res = await g.request .post('/admin/product/insert') .send(product) .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(200); // Check the returned message t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'New product successfully created'); }); test('[Fail] Add a product - Duplicate permalink', async t => { const product = { productPermalink: 'test-jacket', productTitle: 'Test Jacket - blue', productPrice: '100.00', productDescription: 'Test product description used to describe the product', productPublished: true, productTags: 'organic, jacket, blue', productOptions: { Size: { optName: 'Size', optLabel: 'Select size', optType: 'select', optOptions: ['S', 'M', 'L', 'XL'] } }, productComment: false, productStock: 50 }; const res = await g.request .post('/admin/product/insert') .send(product) .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(400); // Check the returned message t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Permalink already exists. Pick a new one.'); }); test('[Success] Update a product', async t => { const product = { productId: g.products[0]._id, productTitle: 'Test Jacket', productPrice: '200.00', productDescription: 'Test product description used to describe the product', productPublished: true, productTags: 'organic, jacket', productOptions: { Size: { optName: 'Size', optLabel: 'Select size', optType: 'select', optOptions: ['S', 'M', 'L', 'XL'] } }, productComment: true, productStock: 50 }; const res = await g.request .post('/admin/product/update') .send(product) .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(200); // Check the returned message t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Successfully saved'); t.deepEqual(res.body.product.productTitle, product.productTitle); t.deepEqual(res.body.product.productPrice, product.productPrice); }); test('[Fail] Update a product - Duplicate permalink', async t => { const product = { productId: g.products[0]._id, productPermalink: 'test-jacket' }; const res = await g.request .post('/admin/product/update') .send(product) .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(400); // Check the returned message t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Permalink already exists. Pick a new one.'); }); test('[Success] Delete a product', async t => { const res = await g.request .post('/admin/product/delete') .send({ productId: g.products[0]._id }) .set('apiKey', g.users[0].apiKey) .expect(200); // Check the returned message t.deepEqual(res.body.message, 'Product successfully deleted'); });