const _ = require('lodash'); const uglifycss = require('uglifycss'); const colors = require('colors'); const lunr = require('lunr'); const escape = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities; // common functions exports.checkLogin = function(req, res, next){ // if not protecting we check for public pages and don't checkLogin if(req.session.needsSetup === true){ res.redirect('/setup'); return; } if(req.session.user){ next(); return; } res.redirect('/login'); }; exports.showCartCloseBtn = function(page){ let showCartCloseButton = true; if(page === 'checkout' || page === 'pay'){ showCartCloseButton = false; } return showCartCloseButton; }; // adds products to sitemap.xml exports.addSitemapProducts = function(req, res, cb){ let db =; let async = require('async'); let config = exports.getConfig(); let hostname = config.baseUrl; exports.dbQuery(db.products, {productPublished: 'true'}, null, null, (err, products) => { let posts = []; if(err){ cb(null, posts); } async.eachSeries(products, (item, callback) => { let post = {}; let url = item._id; if(item.productPermalink){ url = item.productPermalink; } post.url = hostname + '/' + url; post.changefreq = 'weekly'; post.priority = 0.7; posts.push(post); callback(null, posts); }, () => { cb(null, posts); }); }); }; exports.restrict = function(req, res, next){ exports.checkLogin(req, res, next); }; exports.clearSessionValue = function(session, sessionVar){ let temp; if(session){ temp = session[sessionVar]; session[sessionVar] = null; } return temp; }; exports.updateTotalCartAmount = function(req, res){ let config = exports.getConfig(); req.session.totalCartAmount = 0; _(req.session.cart).forEach((item) => { req.session.totalCartAmount = req.session.totalCartAmount + item.totalItemPrice; }); // under the free shipping threshold if(req.session.totalCartAmount < config.freeShippingAmount){ req.session.totalCartAmount = req.session.totalCartAmount + parseInt(config.flatShipping); req.session.shippingCostApplied = true; }else{ req.session.shippingCostApplied = false; } }; exports.checkDirectorySync = function (directory){ let fs = require('fs'); try{ fs.statSync(directory); }catch(e){ fs.mkdirSync(directory); } }; exports.getThemes = function (){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); return fs.readdirSync(path.join('public', 'themes')).filter(file => fs.statSync(path.join(path.join('public', 'themes'), file)).isDirectory()); }; exports.getImages = function (dir, req, res, callback){ let db =; let glob = require('glob'); let fs = require('fs'); db.products.findOne({_id: exports.getId(dir)}, (err, product) => { if(err){ console.error('Error getting images', err)); } // loop files in /public/uploads/ glob('public/uploads/' + dir + '/**', {nosort: true}, (er, files) => { // sort array files.sort(); // declare the array of objects let fileList = []; // loop these files for(let i = 0; i < files.length; i++){ // only want files if(fs.lstatSync(files[i]).isDirectory() === false){ // declare the file object and set its values let file = { id: i, path: files[i].substring(6) }; if(product.productImage === files[i].substring(6)){ file.productImage = true; } // push the file object into the array fileList.push(file); } } callback(fileList); }); }); }; exports.getConfig = function(){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config', 'settings.json'), 'utf8')); config.customCss = typeof config.customCss !== 'undefined' ? escape.decode(config.customCss) : null; config.footerHtml = typeof config.footerHtml !== 'undefined' ? escape.decode(config.footerHtml) : null; config.googleAnalytics = typeof config.googleAnalytics !== 'undefined' ? escape.decode(config.googleAnalytics) : null; // set the environment for files config.env = '.min'; if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' || process.env.NODE_ENV === undefined){ config.env = ''; } // setup theme config.themeViews = ''; if(typeof config.theme !== 'undefined' && config.theme !== ''){ config.themeViews = '../public/themes/' + config.theme + '/'; } // if db set to mongodb override connection with MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING env var config.databaseConnectionString = process.env.MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING || config.databaseConnectionString; return config; }; exports.getPaymentConfig = function(){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let siteConfig = this.getConfig(); let config = []; if(fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/' + siteConfig.paymentGateway + '.json'))){ config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/' + siteConfig.paymentGateway + '.json'), 'utf8')); } return config; }; exports.updateConfig = function(fields){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let settingsFile = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/settings.json'), 'utf8')); _.forEach(fields, (value, key) => { settingsFile[key] = value; if(key === 'customCss_input'){ settingsFile['customCss'] = escape.encode(uglifycss.processString(value)); } if(key === 'footerHtml_input'){ let footerHtml = typeof value !== 'undefined' || value === '' ? escape.encode(value) : ''; settingsFile['footerHtml'] = footerHtml; } if(key === 'googleAnalytics_input'){ let googleAnalytics = typeof value !== 'undefined' ? escape.encode(value) : ''; settingsFile['googleAnalytics'] = googleAnalytics; } }); // delete settings delete settingsFile['customCss_input']; delete settingsFile['footerHtml_input']; delete settingsFile['googleAnalytics_input']; if(fields['emailSecure'] === 'on'){ settingsFile['emailSecure'] = true; }else{ settingsFile['emailSecure'] = false; } if(!fields['menuEnabled']){ settingsFile['menuEnabled'] = 'false'; }else{ settingsFile['menuEnabled'] = 'true'; } // write file try{ fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/settings.json'), JSON.stringify(settingsFile, null, 4)); return true; }catch(exception){ return false; } }; exports.getMenu = function(){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let menuFile = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/menu.json'), 'utf8')); menuFile.items = _.sortBy(menuFile.items, 'order'); return menuFile; }; // creates a new menu item exports.newMenu = function(req, res){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let menuJson = '../config/menu.json'; let menuFile = require(menuJson); let newNav = { title: req.body.navMenu, link: req.body.navLink, order: Object.keys(menuFile.items).length + 1 }; // add new menu item menuFile.items.push(newNav); // write file try{ fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/menu.json'), JSON.stringify(menuFile)); return true; }catch(e){ return false; } }; // delete a menu item exports.deleteMenu = function(req, res, menuIndex){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let menuJson = '../config/menu.json'; let menuFile = require(menuJson); delete menuFile.items[menuIndex]; // write file try{ fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/menu.json'), JSON.stringify(menuFile)); return true; }catch(e){ return false; } }; // updates and existing menu item exports.updateMenu = function(req, res){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let menuJson = '../config/menu.json'; let menuFile = require(menuJson); // find menu item and update it let menuIndex = _.findIndex(menuFile.items, ['title', req.body.navId]); menuFile.items[menuIndex].title = req.body.navMenu; menuFile.items[menuIndex].link = req.body.navLink; // write file try{ fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/menu.json'), JSON.stringify(menuFile)); return true; }catch(e){ return false; } }; exports.getEmailTemplate = function(result){ let cheerio = require('cheerio'); let config = this.getConfig(); let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../public/email_template.html'), 'utf8'); $ = cheerio.load(template); $('#brand').text(config.cartTitle); $('#paymentResult').text(result.message); if(result.paymentApproved === true){ $('#paymentResult').addClass('text-success'); }else{ $('#paymentResult').addClass('text-danger'); } $('#paymentMessage').text('Thanks for shopping with us. We hope you will shop with us again soon.'); $('#paymentDetails').html(result.paymentDetails); return $.html(); }; exports.sendEmail = function(to, subject, body){ let config = this.getConfig(); let nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); let emailSettings = { host: config.emailHost, port: config.emailPort, secure: config.emailSecure, auth: { user: config.emailUser, pass: config.emailPassword } }; // outlook needs this setting if(config.emailHost === ''){ emailSettings.tls = {ciphers: 'SSLv3'}; } let transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(emailSettings); let mailOptions = { from: config.emailAddress, // sender address to: to, // list of receivers subject: subject, // Subject line html: body// html body }; transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => { if(error){ return console.error(; } return true; }); }; // orders the menu exports.orderMenu = function(req, res){ let fs = require('fs'); let path = require('path'); let menuJson = '../config/menu.json'; let menuFile = require(menuJson); // update the order for(let i = 0; i < req.body.navId.length; i++){ _.find(menuFile.items, ['title', req.body.navId[i]]).order = i; } // write file try{ fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../config/menu.json'), JSON.stringify(menuFile)); return true; }catch(e){ return false; } }; // gets the correct type of index ID exports.getId = function(id){ let ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID; if(id){ if(id.length !== 24){ return id; } } return ObjectID(id); }; // run the DB query exports.dbQuery = function(db, query, sort, limit, callback){ if(sort && limit){ db.find(query).sort(sort).limit(parseInt(limit)).toArray((err, results) => { if(err){ console.error(; } callback(null, results); }); }else{ db.find(query).toArray((err, results) => { if(err){ console.error(; } callback(null, results); }); } }; exports.indexProducts = (app) => { // index all products in lunr on startup return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { exports.dbQuery(app.db.products, {}, null, null, (err, productsList) => { if(err){ console.error(; reject(err); } // setup lunr indexing const productsIndex = lunr(function (){ this.field('productTitle', {boost: 10}); this.field('productTags', {boost: 5}); this.field('productDescription'); const lunrIndex = this; // add to lunr index productsList.forEach((product) => { let doc = { 'productTitle': product.productTitle, 'productTags': product.productTags, 'productDescription': product.productDescription, 'id': product._id }; lunrIndex.add(doc); }); }); app.productsIndex = productsIndex; console.log(colors.cyan('- Product indexing complete')); resolve(); }); }); }; exports.indexOrders = (app, cb) => { // index all orders in lunr on startup return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { exports.dbQuery(app.db.orders, {}, null, null, (err, ordersList) => { if(err){ console.error('Error setting up products index: ' + err)); reject(err); } // setup lunr indexing const ordersIndex = lunr(function (){ this.field('orderEmail', {boost: 10}); this.field('orderLastname', {boost: 5}); this.field('orderPostcode'); const lunrIndex = this; // add to lunr index ordersList.forEach((order) => { let doc = { 'orderLastname': order.orderLastname, 'orderEmail': order.orderEmail, 'orderPostcode': order.orderPostcode, 'id': order._id }; lunrIndex.add(doc); }); }); app.ordersIndex = ordersIndex; console.log(colors.cyan('- Order indexing complete')); resolve(); }); }); }; // start indexing products and orders exports.runIndexing = (app) => {'Setting up indexes..')); return Promise.all([ exports.indexProducts(app), exports.indexOrders(app) ]) .catch((err) => { process.exit(2); }); };