const express = require('express'); const common = require('../lib/common'); const { restrict, checkAccess } = require('../lib/auth'); const escape = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities; const colors = require('colors'); const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const multer = require('multer'); const mime = require('mime-type/with-db'); const ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID; const router = express.Router(); // Regex const emailRegex = /\S+@\S+\.\S+/; const numericRegex = /^\d*\.?\d*$/; // Admin section router.get('/admin', restrict, (req, res, next) => { res.redirect('/admin/dashboard'); }); // logout router.get('/admin/logout', (req, res) => { req.session.user = null; req.session.message = null; req.session.messageType = null; res.redirect('/'); }); // login form router.get('/admin/login', async (req, res) => { const db =; const userCount = await db.users.countDocuments({}); // we check for a user. If one exists, redirect to login form otherwise setup if(userCount && userCount > 0){ // set needsSetup to false as a user exists req.session.needsSetup = false; res.render('login', { title: 'Login', referringUrl: req.header('Referer'), config:, message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, showFooter: 'showFooter' }); }else{ // if there are no users set the "needsSetup" session req.session.needsSetup = true; res.redirect('/admin/setup'); } }); // login the user and check the password'/admin/login_action', async (req, res) => { const db =; const user = await db.users.findOne({ userEmail: common.mongoSanitize( }); if(!user || user === null){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'A user with that email does not exist.' }); return; } // we have a user under that email so we compare the password, user.userPassword) .then((result) => { if(result){ req.session.user =; req.session.usersName = user.usersName; req.session.userId = user._id.toString(); req.session.isAdmin = user.isAdmin; res.status(200).json({ message: 'Login successful' }); return; } // password is not correct res.status(400).json({ message: 'Access denied. Check password and try again.' }); }); }); // setup form is shown when there are no users setup in the DB router.get('/admin/setup', async (req, res) => { const db =; const userCount = await db.users.countDocuments({}); // dont allow the user to "re-setup" if a user exists. // set needsSetup to false as a user exists req.session.needsSetup = false; if(userCount === 0){ req.session.needsSetup = true; res.render('setup', { title: 'Setup', config:, helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), showFooter: 'showFooter' }); return; } res.redirect('/admin/login'); }); // insert a user'/admin/setup_action', async (req, res) => { const db =; const doc = { usersName: req.body.usersName, userEmail: req.body.userEmail, userPassword: bcrypt.hashSync(req.body.userPassword, 10), isAdmin: true, isOwner: true }; // check for users const userCount = await db.users.countDocuments({}); if(userCount === 0){ // email is ok to be used. try{ await db.users.insertOne(doc); res.status(200).json({ message: 'User account inserted' }); return; }catch(ex){ console.error('Failed to insert user: ' + ex)); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Setup failed' }); return; } } res.status(200).json({ message: 'Already setup.' }); }); // dashboard router.get('/admin/dashboard', restrict, async (req, res) => { const db =; // Collate data for dashboard const dashboardData = { productsCount: await db.products.countDocuments({ productPublished: true }), ordersCount: await db.orders.countDocuments({}), ordersAmount: await db.orders.aggregate([{ $match: {} }, { $group: { _id: null, sum: { $sum: '$orderTotal' } } }]).toArray(), productsSold: await db.orders.aggregate([{ $match: {} }, { $group: { _id: null, sum: { $sum: '$orderProductCount' } } }]).toArray(), topProducts: await db.orders.aggregate([ { $project: { _id: 0 } }, { $project: { o: { $objectToArray: '$orderProducts' } } }, { $unwind: '$o' }, { $group: { _id: '$o.v.productId', title: { $last: '$o.v.title' }, productImage: { $last: '$o.v.productImage' }, count: { $sum: '$o.v.quantity' } } }, { $sort: { count: -1 } }, { $limit: 5 } ]).toArray() }; // Fix aggregate data if(dashboardData.ordersAmount.length > 0){ dashboardData.ordersAmount = dashboardData.ordersAmount[0].sum; } if(dashboardData.productsSold.length > 0){ dashboardData.productsSold = dashboardData.productsSold[0].sum; }else{ dashboardData.productsSold = 0; } res.render('dashboard', { title: 'Cart dashboard', session: req.session, admin: true, dashboardData, themes: common.getThemes(), message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, config: }); }); // settings router.get('/admin/settings', restrict, (req, res) => { res.render('settings', { title: 'Cart settings', session: req.session, admin: true, themes: common.getThemes(), message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, config:, footerHtml: typeof !== 'undefined' ? escape.decode( : null, googleAnalytics: typeof !== 'undefined' ? escape.decode( : null }); }); // create API key'/admin/createApiKey', restrict, checkAccess, async (req, res) => { const db =; const result = await db.users.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: ObjectId(req.session.userId), isAdmin: true }, { $set: { apiKey: new ObjectId() } }, { returnOriginal: false }); if(result.value && result.value.apiKey){ res.status(200).json({ message: 'API Key generated', apiKey: result.value.apiKey }); return; } res.status(400).json({ message: 'Failed to generate API Key' }); }); // settings update'/admin/settings/update', restrict, checkAccess, (req, res) => { const result = common.updateConfig(req.body); if(result === true){ = common.getConfig(); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Settings successfully updated' }); return; } res.status(400).json({ message: 'Permission denied' }); }); // settings menu router.get('/admin/settings/menu', restrict, async (req, res) => { const db =; res.render('settings-menu', { title: 'Cart menu', session: req.session, admin: true, message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, config:, menu: common.sortMenu(await common.getMenu(db)) }); }); // page list router.get('/admin/settings/pages', restrict, async (req, res) => { const db =; const pages = await db.pages.find({}).toArray(); res.render('settings-pages', { title: 'Static pages', pages: pages, session: req.session, admin: true, message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, config:, menu: common.sortMenu(await common.getMenu(db)) }); }); // pages new router.get('/admin/settings/pages/new', restrict, checkAccess, async (req, res) => { const db =; res.render('settings-page', { title: 'Static pages', session: req.session, admin: true, button_text: 'Create', message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, config:, menu: common.sortMenu(await common.getMenu(db)) }); }); // pages editor router.get('/admin/settings/pages/edit/:page', restrict, checkAccess, async (req, res) => { const db =; const page = await db.pages.findOne({ _id: common.getId( }); const menu = common.sortMenu(await common.getMenu(db)); if(!page){ res.status(404).render('error', { title: '404 Error - Page not found', config:, message: '404 Error - Page not found', helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, showFooter: 'showFooter', menu }); return; } res.render('settings-page', { title: 'Static pages', page: page, button_text: 'Update', session: req.session, admin: true, message: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'message'), messageType: common.clearSessionValue(req.session, 'messageType'), helpers: req.handlebars.helpers, config:, menu }); }); // insert/update page'/admin/settings/page', restrict, checkAccess, async (req, res) => { const db =; const doc = { pageName: req.body.pageName, pageSlug: req.body.pageSlug, pageEnabled: req.body.pageEnabled, pageContent: req.body.pageContent }; if(req.body.pageId){ // existing page const page = await db.pages.findOne({ _id: common.getId(req.body.pageId) }); if(!page){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Page not found' }); return; } try{ const updatedPage = await db.pages.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: common.getId(req.body.pageId) }, { $set: doc }, { returnOriginal: false }); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Page updated successfully', pageId: req.body.pageId, page: updatedPage.value }); }catch(ex){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Error updating page. Please try again.' }); } }else{ // insert page try{ const newDoc = await db.pages.insertOne(doc); res.status(200).json({ message: 'New page successfully created', pageId: newDoc.insertedId }); return; }catch(ex){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Error creating page. Please try again.' }); } } }); // delete a page'/admin/settings/page/delete', restrict, checkAccess, async (req, res) => { const db =; const page = await db.pages.findOne({ _id: common.getId(req.body.pageId) }); if(!page){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Page not found' }); return; } try{ await db.pages.deleteOne({ _id: common.getId(req.body.pageId) }, {}); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Page successfully deleted' }); return; }catch(ex){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Error deleting page. Please try again.' }); } }); // new menu item'/admin/settings/menu/new', restrict, checkAccess, (req, res) => { const result = common.newMenu(req); if(result === false){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Failed creating menu.' }); return; } res.status(200).json({ message: 'Menu created successfully.' }); }); // update existing menu item'/admin/settings/menu/update', restrict, checkAccess, (req, res) => { const result = common.updateMenu(req); if(result === false){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Failed updating menu.' }); return; } res.status(200).json({ message: 'Menu updated successfully.' }); }); // delete menu item'/admin/settings/menu/delete', restrict, checkAccess, (req, res) => { const result = common.deleteMenu(req, req.body.menuId); if(result === false){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Failed deleting menu.' }); return; } res.status(200).json({ message: 'Menu deleted successfully.' }); }); // We call this via a Ajax call to save the order from the sortable list'/admin/settings/menu/save_order', restrict, checkAccess, (req, res) => { const result = common.orderMenu(req, res); if(result === false){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Failed saving menu order' }); return; } res.status(200).json({}); }); // validate the permalink'/admin/api/validate_permalink', async (req, res) => { // if doc id is provided it checks for permalink in any products other that one provided, // else it just checks for any products with that permalink const db =; let query = {}; if(typeof req.body.docId === 'undefined' || req.body.docId === ''){ query = { productPermalink: req.body.permalink }; }else{ query = { productPermalink: req.body.permalink, _id: { $ne: common.getId(req.body.docId) } }; } const products = await db.products.countDocuments(query); if(products && products > 0){ res.status(400).json({ message: 'Permalink already exists' }); return; } res.status(200).json({ message: 'Permalink validated successfully' }); }); // upload the file const upload = multer({ dest: 'public/uploads/' });'/admin/file/upload', restrict, checkAccess, upload.single('uploadFile'), async (req, res) => { const db =; if(req.file){ const file = req.file; // Get the mime type of the file const mimeType = mime.lookup(file.originalname); // Check for allowed mime type and file size if(!common.allowedMimeType.includes(mimeType) || file.size > common.fileSizeLimit){ // Remove temp file fs.unlinkSync(file.path); // Return error res.status(400).json({ message: 'File type not allowed or too large. Please try again.' }); return; } // get the product form the DB const product = await db.products.findOne({ _id: common.getId(req.body.productId) }); if(!product){ // delete the temp file. fs.unlinkSync(file.path); // Return error res.status(400).json({ message: 'File upload error. Please try again.' }); return; } const productPath = product._id.toString(); const uploadDir = path.join('public/uploads', productPath); // Check directory and create (if needed) common.checkDirectorySync(uploadDir); const source = fs.createReadStream(file.path); const dest = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(uploadDir, file.originalname.replace(/ /g, '_'))); // save the new file source.pipe(dest); source.on('end', () => { }); // delete the temp file. fs.unlinkSync(file.path); const imagePath = path.join('/uploads', productPath, file.originalname.replace(/ /g, '_')); // if there isn't a product featured image, set this one if(!product.productImage){ await db.products.updateOne({ _id: common.getId(req.body.productId) }, { $set: { productImage: imagePath } }, { multi: false }); } // Return success message res.status(200).json({ message: 'File uploaded successfully' }); return; } // Return error res.status(400).json({ message: 'File upload error. Please try again.' }); }); // delete a file via ajax request'/admin/testEmail', restrict, (req, res) => { const config =; // TODO: Should fix this to properly handle result common.sendEmail(config.emailAddress, 'expressCart test email', 'Your email settings are working'); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Test email sent' }); });'/admin/searchall', restrict, async (req, res, next) => { const db =; const searchValue = req.body.searchValue; const limitReturned = 5; // Empty arrays let customers = []; let orders = []; let products = []; // Default queries const customerQuery = {}; const orderQuery = {}; const productQuery = {}; // If an ObjectId is detected use that if(ObjectId.isValid(req.body.searchValue)){ // Get customers customers = await db.customers.find({ _id: ObjectId(searchValue) }) .limit(limitReturned) .sort({ created: 1 }) .toArray(); // Get orders orders = await db.orders.find({ _id: ObjectId(searchValue) }) .limit(limitReturned) .sort({ orderDate: 1 }) .toArray(); // Get products products = await db.products.find({ _id: ObjectId(searchValue) }) .limit(limitReturned) .sort({ productAddedDate: 1 }) .toArray(); return res.status(200).json({ customers, orders, products }); } // If email address is detected if(emailRegex.test(req.body.searchValue)){ = searchValue; orderQuery.orderEmail = searchValue; }else if(numericRegex.test(req.body.searchValue)){ // If a numeric value is detected orderQuery.amount = req.body.searchValue; productQuery.productPrice = req.body.searchValue; }else{ // String searches customerQuery.$or = [ { firstName: { $regex: new RegExp(searchValue, 'img') } }, { lastName: { $regex: new RegExp(searchValue, 'img') } } ]; orderQuery.$or = [ { orderFirstname: { $regex: new RegExp(searchValue, 'img') } }, { orderLastname: { $regex: new RegExp(searchValue, 'img') } } ]; productQuery.$or = [ { productTitle: { $regex: new RegExp(searchValue, 'img') } }, { productDescription: { $regex: new RegExp(searchValue, 'img') } } ]; } // Get customers if(Object.keys(customerQuery).length > 0){ customers = await db.customers.find(customerQuery) .limit(limitReturned) .sort({ created: 1 }) .toArray(); } // Get orders if(Object.keys(orderQuery).length > 0){ orders = await db.orders.find(orderQuery) .limit(limitReturned) .sort({ orderDate: 1 }) .toArray(); } // Get products if(Object.keys(productQuery).length > 0){ products = await db.products.find(productQuery) .limit(limitReturned) .sort({ productAddedDate: 1 }) .toArray(); } return res.status(200).json({ customers, orders, products }); }); module.exports = router;