const express = require('express'); const common = require('../../lib/common'); const { indexOrders } = require('../../lib/indexing'); const numeral = require('numeral'); const { Client, CheckoutAPI } = require('@adyen/api-library'); const router = express.Router();'/setup', async (req, res, next) => { const adyenConfig = common.getPaymentConfig(); const client = new Client({ apiKey: adyenConfig.apiKey, environment: adyenConfig.environment }); const checkout = new CheckoutAPI(client); let paymentsResponse; try{ paymentsResponse = await checkout.paymentMethods({ amount: { currency: 'AUD', value: 0 }, countryCode: 'AU', channel: 'Web', merchantAccount: adyenConfig.merchantAccount }); }catch(ex){ console.log('Exception getting supported payment methods', ex.message); res.status(400).json({ message: 'Failed to retrieve payment methods.' + ex.message }); } res.status(200).json({ paymentsResponse, environment: adyenConfig.environment, publicKey: adyenConfig.publicKey }); });'/checkout_action', async (req, res, next) => { const db =; const config =; const adyenConfig = common.getPaymentConfig(); const client = new Client({ apiKey: adyenConfig.apiKey, environment: adyenConfig.environment }); const checkout = new CheckoutAPI(client); let response; try{ response = await checkout.payments({ shopperInteraction: 'Ecommerce', amount: { currency: adyenConfig.currency, value: numeral(req.session.totalCartAmount).format('0.00').replace('.', '') }, paymentMethod: JSON.parse(req.body.payment), reference: adyenConfig.statementDescriptor, merchantAccount: adyenConfig.merchantAccount, shopperStatement: adyenConfig.statementDescriptor }); }catch(ex){ console.log('Payment exception', ex.message); req.session.messageType = 'danger'; req.session.message = 'Card declined. Contact card issuer'; return; } // Update response let paymentStatus = 'Paid'; if(response && response.resultCode !== 'Authorised'){ paymentStatus = 'Declined'; } // new order doc const orderDoc = { orderPaymentId: response.pspReference, orderPaymentGateway: 'Adyen', orderPaymentMessage: response.refusalReason, orderTotal: req.session.totalCartAmount, orderItemCount: req.session.totalCartItems, orderProductCount: req.session.totalCartProducts, orderEmail: req.session.customerEmail, orderFirstname: req.session.customerFirstname, orderLastname: req.session.customerLastname, orderAddr1: req.session.customerAddress1, orderAddr2: req.session.customerAddress2, orderCountry: req.session.customerCountry, orderState: req.session.customerState, orderPostcode: req.session.customerPostcode, orderPhoneNumber: req.session.customerPhone, orderComment: req.session.orderComment, orderStatus: paymentStatus, orderDate: new Date(), orderProducts: req.session.cart, orderType: 'Single' }; // insert order into DB const newOrder = await db.orders.insertOne(orderDoc); // get the new ID const newId = newOrder.insertedId; // add to lunr index indexOrders( .then(() => { // Process the result if(paymentStatus === 'Paid'){ // set the results req.session.messageType = 'success'; req.session.message = 'Your payment was successfully completed'; req.session.paymentEmailAddr = orderDoc.orderEmail; req.session.paymentApproved = true; req.session.paymentDetails = '

Order ID: ' + newId + '

Transaction ID: ' + response.pspReference + '

'; // set payment results for email const paymentResults = { message: req.session.message, messageType: req.session.messageType, paymentEmailAddr: req.session.paymentEmailAddr, paymentApproved: true, paymentDetails: req.session.paymentDetails }; // clear the cart if(req.session.cart){ common.emptyCart(req, res, 'function'); } // send the email with the response // TODO: Should fix this to properly handle result common.sendEmail(req.session.paymentEmailAddr, 'Your payment with ' + config.cartTitle, common.getEmailTemplate(paymentResults)); } res.status(200).json({ paymentId: newId }); }); }); module.exports = router;