from antlr4 import * import logging relativeImport = False if __name__ is not None and "." in __name__: relativeImport = True class JavaScriptBaseLexer(Lexer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.debug("JavaScriptBaseLexerInit") super(JavaScriptBaseLexer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) """Stores values of nested modes. By default mode is strict or defined externally (useStrictDefault)""" self.scopeStrictModes = [] self.lastToken: Token = None """Default value of strict mode Can be defined externally by setUseStrictDefault""" self.useStrictDefault = False """Current value of strict mode Can be defined during parsing, see StringFunctions.js and StringGlobal.js samples""" self.useStrictCurrent = False def getStrictDefault(self) -> bool: return self.useStrictDefault def setUseStrictDefault(self, value: bool): self.useStrictDefault = value self.useStrictCurrent = value def isStrictMode(self): return self.useStrictCurrent def isStartOfFile(self): return self.lastToken is None def nextToken(self) -> Token: """Return the next token from the character stream and records this last token in case it resides on the default channel. This recorded token is used to determine when the lexer could possibly match a regex literal. Also changes scopeStrictModes stack if tokenize special string 'use strict'; :return the next token from the character stream.""" next_token: Token = super(JavaScriptBaseLexer, self).nextToken() if == Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL: self.lastToken = next_token return next_token def processOpenBrace(self): self.useStrictCurrent = bool(self.scopeStrictModes) and ( True if self.scopeStrictModes[-1] else self.useStrictDefault ) self.scopeStrictModes.append(self.useStrictCurrent) def processCloseBrace(self): self.useStrictCurrent = bool(self.scopeStrictModes) and ( True if self.scopeStrictModes.pop(-1) else self.useStrictDefault ) def processStringLiteral(self): if relativeImport: from .JavaScriptLexer import JavaScriptLexer else: from JavaScriptLexer import JavaScriptLexer if not self.lastToken or self.lastToken.type == JavaScriptLexer.OpenBrace: text = self.text if text == '"use strict"' or text == "'use strict'": if self.scopeStrictModes: self.scopeStrictModes.pop(-1) self.useStrictCurrent = True self.scopeStrictModes.append(self.useStrictCurrent) def isRegexPossible(self) -> bool: """Returns {@code true} if the lexer can match a regex literal. """ if relativeImport: from .JavaScriptLexer import JavaScriptLexer else: from JavaScriptLexer import JavaScriptLexer if not self.lastToken: # No token has been produced yet: at the start of the input, # no division is possible, so a regex literal _is_ possible. return True if self.lastToken.type in [ JavaScriptLexer.Identifier, JavaScriptLexer.NullLiteral, JavaScriptLexer.BooleanLiteral, JavaScriptLexer.This, JavaScriptLexer.CloseBracket, JavaScriptLexer.CloseParen, JavaScriptLexer.OctalIntegerLiteral, JavaScriptLexer.DecimalLiteral, JavaScriptLexer.HexIntegerLiteral, JavaScriptLexer.StringLiteral, JavaScriptLexer.PlusPlus, JavaScriptLexer.MinusMinus, ]: return False return True